Metabolic Bio Evaluation

Decisions for Healthy Living


The Ist Step in having a Healthy Lifestyle is to have your Metabolic Bio Type determined.
The benefits of finding out your Metabolic Bio Type (biochemical individuality) include:
  • More robust health and energy
  • Weight control
  • Freedom from hunger and cravings between meals
  • Long term benefits which may include the prevention and/or reversing of disease
  • Moving your weight towards your ideal weight - (lose weight if you are overweight and put on weight if you are underweight)
  • Experiencing an increase in strength and stamina
  • Knowing which vitamins and minerals are needed to balance your body chemistry and which will make you more unbalanced.
Metabolic Bio Typing is based on the fact that we all have biochemical individuality, and because of this each of our body's require a unique and individualized 'fuel mixture'. You can find out your Metabolic Bio Type by taking an assessment consisting of simple and easy to answer questions. Read on to find out how to take a Metabolic Bo Typing Assessment and find out your Metabolic Bio Type.
Note: You can take your Metabolic Bio Typing Assessment over the internet - and your consultation (to explain the results) can be carried out by e-mail - so your geographical location is not an issue.

With the advent of the book on blood types, Eat Right 4 Your Type by Peter D'Adamo, N.D., the question is often asked if blood typing is the same as metabolic bio typing. In short, no. Actually, one's blood type is just 1 of many different components used in the process of metabolic bio typing to determine individual biochemical individuality and nutritional requirements. Here are the components that have been discovered to be necessary to consider in evaluating your metabolic bio type:
  • Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) – the “master regulator” of metabolism
  • Oxidative System – rate at which nutrients are converted to energy within the cells
  • Catabolic/Anabolic – aerobic / anaerobic metabolism, tissue pH, selective membrane permeability
  • Acid / Alkaline Balance – 6 different kinds of pH imbalances
  • Endocrine Type – determines body type, shape, weight gain, etc.
  • Constitutional Type – from AyurVeda and Chinese medicine, concerned constitutional qualities of foods relative to constitutional qualities of individual
  • Blood Type – food lectins specific to ABO blood types
  • The blood type has more to do with what few foods should be left out of your diet due to their lectin content specific to your blood type. But blood type has little to do with what foods and nutrients should be eaten. For that, we need to consider the body's primary mechanisms that specifically regulate how energy is created, maintained and controlled, such as the ANS, Oxidative System and Catabolic/Anabolic processes. And whereas the blood type is static, non-changing, the different balances, strengths and weaknesses in the other fundamental control mechanisms can and do change.
  • What is most important to know is that every food and every nutrient has very specific stimulatory or inhibitory effects on these fundamental homeostatic control systems that regulate every process in your body at every level of activity. This is why getting the right nutrition is so critical. Moreover, through metabolic bio typing we have learned that any food or nutrient can have different effects on different Metabolic Bio Types. As it turns out, the old adage that “one man's food is another's poison” is literally true. Fact is, you can eat the best organic foods, take the best supplements money can buy, get plenty of rest, exercise regularly and still not feel well. Why? Because you did not eat those foods for which your body has a specific, genetically-based requirement. Only through determining your biochemical individuality by metabolic bio typing can you be assured that your food will be the medicine God intended it to be.


    Thank you for your interest in our Metabolic Bio analysis Programs. In its complete form, The HealthSmart Nutrition System analyzes 9 Fundamental Homeostatic Controls (FHC) to determine and define one's metabolism. These are: Autonomic Nervous System (Neuro-Endocrine - Sympathetic/Balanced/Parasympathetic), Carbo-Oxidative (Fast/Slow/Mixed Oxidation), Lipo-Oxidative (Anabolic/Catabolic), Electrolyte (Stress/Insufficiency), Acid/Alkaline (6 different kinds of imbalances), Endocrine Type, Blood Type, Constitutional Type, Prostaglandin Balance. There are 3 Metabolic Bio Typing analysis Programs available that probe various levels of complexity of metabolic biological individuality:

    First Steps

    Determine Ideal Weight

    To have your ideal weight calculated for you click here: Ideal Weight Calculation

    Determine Body Fat

    Body fat measurements and the measuring tape are recognized as superior methods for measuring "weight loss". When one declares that they want to "lose weight", what they often mean is that they want to lose fat.

    Click picture to find out your body fat percentage. Body Fat Calculator

    Determine BMI

    In 1998, the U.S. federal government announced guidelines that created a new definition of a healthy weight called the Body Mass Index (BMI). A BMI for men or women of 24 or less is considered a healthy weight. A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight and a BMI range of 30 or more is considered obese.

    One way to determine your BMI is by taking your weight in kilograms/ lbs and dividing it by the square of your height in meters/ inches. Body Mass Index (BMI) is one of the best ways to tell if you are overweight and to track your weight loss progress. It is far more accurate than watching your weight change and comparing it to the older ideal weight tables.

    In the Performance Diet Software sold by HealthSmart Nutrition, it is even more accurate than the measurement method of determining your body fat percentage. It is not more accurate than hydrostatic or electrostatic body fat percentage testing.

    To have it calculated for you click BMI.

    BMI and Health Risks:
    High blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease are all linked to being overweight. A BMI of 26 to 27 carries moderate health risks and means you are about 20% overweight. As the BMI rises, the risk of developing additional health problems increases as well. According to some estimates, a BMI of 30 and over increases the risk of death from any cause by 50 to 150%. If you are into the BMI range of 25 to 34.9 and have a waist size of over 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men, you are considered to be at especially high risk for health problems.


    Step 2: Determining Which Program to Take

    Program 1 Only a Metabolic Bio Typing Analysis (Available to all clients (Internet or Visiting A HealthSmart Nutrition Office))

    Available only through a Certified HealthSmart Nutrition Metabolic Bio Typing Advisor and includes consulting. Comprised of a computer-based questionnaire analysis that reveals your Autonomic and Oxidative Types as well as your Dominant System ( AUTONOMIC - Sympathetic, Balanced, Parasympathetic, or OXIDATIVE - Fast Oxidation, Mixed Oxidation, Slow Oxidation, Constitutional Type, Endocrine Type). Advisor recommends supplements and foods appropriate for your specific type.

    Program 2 Metabolic Bio Typing Analysis and Live Blood Analysis (Due to nature of blood analysis only Office Visits)

    Available only through a Certified HealthSmart Nutrition Metabolic Bio Typing Advisor and includes consulting. Comprised of Program 1's questionnaire in addition to Live Blood Analysis. This helps the advisor to makes a more appropriate metabolic bio diet and recommend proper supplements. It is designed to be a "metabolic balancing program."

    Program 3
    Metabolic Bio Typing Analysis and Hair Analysis (Internet and Office Visits)
    Available only through a Certified HealthSmart Nutrition Metabolic Bio Typing Advisor and includes consulting. Comprised of Program 1's questionnaire in addition to a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. This helps the advisor to make a more precise metabolic bio diet recomendations, with improved supplementation and lifestyle recommendations. Designed to be a "metabolic bio lifestyle and health-building program."

    Program 4
    Metabolic Bio Typing Analysis, Live Blood Analysis and Hair Analysis (Due to nature of blood analysis only Office Visits)
Available only through a Certified HealthSmart Nutrition Metabolic Bio Typing Advisor and includes consulting. Comprised of Program 1's questionnaire in addition to Live Blood Analysis and a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. This helps the advisor to make an even more precise metabolic bio diet recomendations, with improved supplementation and lifestyle recommendations. Designed to be a "complete metabolic bio lifestyle and maximum health-building program."
For further information about our programs, consultation services, and training to become a Certified HealthSmart Nutrition Metabolic Bio Typing Advisor, call HealthSmart Nutrition at 204-792-2824.

To take the following Metabolic Bio Typing evaluation make arrangements with HealthSmart Nutrition at 204-792-2824 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to obtain your own personal evaluation ID number. You can look at and answer all the questions on the form without the ID number and a personal advisor but "submit for evaluation" will not go through because of the missing information. Therefore it is in your best interest to make arrangements first.


If you are female
and ready to start the evaluation click here.
Female Form
If you are male and ready to start the evaluation click here.
Male Form